

The prework here is the process of translating two CSV files, one to a PostgreSQL database and the other into a JSON file that contains the columns as Python dictionary would.

The idea is to provide two different sources other than CSV files to the main project and simulate an ETL pipeline use case.

the files that are given in this dataset: 2022 U.S. Domestic Flights Departures

Kaggle Dataset Flight Dep.
Author: Jacky Luo

And the dataset contains the following:

 > tree data/csvFiles/
├── ActiveWeather.csv
├── Cancellation.csv
├── Carriers.csv
├── CompleteData.csv
└── Stations.csv

1. Building a Relational DB in Postgres

The file that will be chosen for this is the main file which contains all the flight departures: CompleteData.csv. It is even convenient if you want to explore the data set and make some SQL queries.

40 columns

From here int he notebook I standardize names to be lower case, and rename the dataframe coluns with the update.

    fl_date DATE,
    dep_hour INTEGER,  -- INTEGER IS 4 byte integer
    mkt_unique_carrier VARCHAR(15), -- Marketing Unique Carrier Code
    mkt_carrier_fl_num INTEGER, -- Marketing carrier flight number
    op_unique_carrier VARCHAR(15),
    op_carrier_fl_num INTEGER,
    tail_num VARCHAR(15),-- FAA Number Registration
    origin  VARCHAR(15),
    dest VARCHAR(15),
    dep_time TIMESTAMP,
    crs_dep_time TIMESTAMP,
    taxi_out INTEGER, -- Taxi Out Time (Minutes)
    dep_delay INTEGER,-- Departure Delay (Minutes)
    air_time INTEGER, -- (Minutes)
    distance FLOAT, -- Distance Between Airports (Miles)
    cancelled INTEGER, -- FK to cancelled table
    latitude FLOAT,
    longitude FLOAT,
    elevation FLOAT, -- (Feet)
    mesonet_station VARCHAR(15), -- FK to Stations
    year_of_manufacture INTEGER, -- Only Year
    manufacturer VARCHAR(15), -- Manufacturer Aircraft
    icao_type VARCHAR(5), -- Aircraft ICAO Type Designator
    range VARCHAR(15), -- Range of Aircraft
    width VARCHAR(15), -- Aircraft Body Type
    wind_dir FLOAT, -- Wind direction
    wind_spd FLOAT, -- Wind Speed
    wind_gust FLOAT, -- Wind Gust (kt) -> knots
    visibility FLOAT, -- (mi) -> miles
    temperature FLOAT, -- (C°)
    dew_point FLOAT, -- (C°) The dew point is the temperature to which air must be cooled to become saturated with water vapor, assuming constant air pressure and water content.
    rel_humidity FLOAT, -- (%) Relative Humidity
    altimeter FLOAT, -- Altimeter Setting/Pressure (in Hg)
    lowest_cloud_layer FLOAT, -- (ft)
    n_cloud_layer FLOAT, --
    low_level_cloud FLOAT, -- Low Cloud Layer Present?
    mid_level_cloud FLOAT, -- Mid Cloud Layer Present?
    high_level_cloud FLOAT, --  High Cloud Layer Present?
    cloud_cover FLOAT, -- Cloud Cover
    active_weather INTEGER -- FK Active Weather Table
docker run -d --rm --name=postgres  -p 5439:5439 -v /Your-User/your-path-for-postgres-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpass postgres
COPY departures (fl_date,dep_hour,mkt_unique_carrier,mkt_carrier_fl_num,op_unique_carrier,op_carrier_fl_num,tail_num,
    FROM '/var/lib/postgresql/data/stage_departures.csv' -- This is the case for my csv called stage_departures.csv that is within the docker volume for the container.